Matthew Jerram
I work on developing stable isotope systems as tools for geochemical research. My interests cover low and high temperature environments, including topics such as tracing water pollution to the early evolution of the Solar System. Stable isotope compositions can be affected by a number of processes, such as evaporation, changes in redox state etc., therefore, if interpreted correctly, can provide a wealth of information. To develop our knowledge of these stable isotope systems I am combining theoretical calculations with high precision measurements on natural samples.
My current work is on chromium (Cr) and antimony (Sb). Chromium has a variable geochemical behaviour, determined by its oxidation state. This is shown on Earth, where Cr behaved as a slightly siderophile element during core formation and now behaves compatibly during melting. This shows the changing redox conditions during the history of the Earth, with reducing conditions during core formation and oxidised conditions in modern mantle required to explain the current distribution of Cr in the Earth.
Isotope ratios are collected using the Nu Instruments MC-ICPMS and TIMS at LDEO.
Prior to moving to Lamont Doherty in the Autumn of 2019, I completed a DPhil at Oxford University. My thesis was written on high temperature Cr stable isotope variations in the deep Earth and Early solar system.